Thursday 5 March 2015


Government- the people whom we choose to run this democratic country.

INDIA- place known for its religion, tradition,culture and history.

RAPIST- A criminal who molests ,disrespects ,tortures and physically abuses a women.

WOMEN- deity for namesake.
Truth is a well mannered house wife ,who respects her husband even  he treats her like a slave.Restricted to go out late.Wear whatever she wants and is used as sex object.

People - some are growing and many are old.Mentality  which discriminates,create bad atmosphere ,rape and BAN

BAN- Socially accepted choice of not allowing certain thing to happen in this country .I repeat socially!

Democracy- well no Indian  knows what it really means .

Shame - INDIA !

These are some of the words which I described according to what I know and see and have knowledge about.
I hope my definition's for these certain words doesn't affect anyone's sentiments.
Ohh I used these word now.SENTIMENT .
No matter how much I am angry I won't be typing the list of abusive words running through my mind.I don't want to be hanged.

What is wrong India?
Is it a country where just BAN is amended every other day.
Do something ,grow up banning everything won't make us next super power and some of you politicians please be productive at least sometime.Enough skimming of us.Still we forgive you.
Develop please develop.

Sunday 22 February 2015


sorry for blogging late ,was busy with work.#cheers.
It was cloudy and damp.My cotton shirt was already wet because of the humidity.It took me one hour to reach St.Xavier's college everyday but today I was late.I don't know what problems in Dadar made my train reach the destination so late.
7:00am lecture.6:00 am train from kurla.Hopefully I reached VT station by 6:50am,people called me topper or so,yes and I never bunked my lectures and usually I was never late before.Still 10 minutes to walk.God just let me be in time.

As soon as the train came to stop I ran out running the long way platform almost pushing away whoever came in front of me and that's when I bumped into a little kid who was about 12-14 years old,tomato red face with a fury jacket and long track pant,maybe I wonder that kid was from Kashmir from his overall attire .Sorry was my word and i left without any further interaction.

12:30pm while returning back ,I saw him again sitting on the suvidha desk counter,pale look with watery eyes . My curiosity had no bounds.I went closer and what I saw shocked me .He was handcuffed by the RPF.I enquired and got to know that he came this morning from Delhi .
Father is missing.That's all.
Why is he handcuffed if his father is missing? I asked the inspector sitting besides.Sorry sir we cannot give you the details.Excuse me I am a citizen of this country and I should know why this kid is handcuffed.Please understand sir.
I was upset and angry.Looking at me the inspector took me aside and told the story which blew me away.Showing no sign of panic,he said ,we found some RDX in his bag.
What!!! No no sir this can't happen today morning I met him he did not have any bag with him nor did he carry any suitcase.
I am a freelance journalist for TOI may I just ask few questions to him,I assure nothing would come out of it.
₹500 . huhh!
₹500 ! Chuck I gave him the money and sat besides that poor little fellow.It started kind of like this:

Me: hello,didn't we meet in the               morning.Sorry for bumping into you  I was in hurry .What is your name?
Boy: (crying) ka ka kab kabii....
Me: Why are you crying betaa,look I          am here to free you.Tell me why and how you came here.
Boy:(sobbingly) papa lene nahi aaya, main Kashmir se aaya hu.
Maa ka dehant huaa ,papa bole tu idhar aajaa bambaii.Ticket bheje hum akele aagaye
Me: tumhara saaman?
Boy: maa ne pehle hi bhijwaa diya.
Me: acchaa fir yaahaa aake kyaa huaa?
Boy : hum station pe aaye papa ka intezaar karre thee,bhuk bhi lagi thi toh ek aadmi ne aakar puchaa ki kuch khaaoge hum bole  haa.
Mere haath main bag thamaa diyaa aur bolaa ki abhi toilet jaake aate hai yehi ruknaa jaanaa nahi ,bhag ke nikal gaye voh ...itne main police aayi aur hame pakad liyaa.
Me: school vageraa jaate ho?
Boy : jaata thaa ,papa me nikaal diyaa.
Me: OK betaa kabir mere saath chaloge.
Boy: nahi papa aayenge.

Listening to him made me feel that he was innocent and generous as well as honest and not a terrorist for sure.He has been trapped.I asked ,inspector did he get any report of his father to which he said he is dead .We are still searching if he is same or not.This was something unusual for me and now the reality was getting to its climax.I was helpless,my mind was numb but I was firm to save that kid before he is taken into custody.

It was time for the petrol van to take him away at the station for further enquiry.I saw him rubbing his hands with pain and those tears which had no clue of what he has done.What he never did and what he never knew was going to end up giving him a bad future.I am fighting for his justice and I shouted do not  worry KABIR.

2yeats passed...
Kabir is studying in 10th std.I got many funds from the people across the country when I started a campaign of save Kabir.I run an NGO named KABIR FOUNDATION where I get the privilege  of serving kids who have lost their parents in various calamities or Ill health .End is always happy because we know that GOD is seeing our deeds and he will make us feel happy and pleasant when we meet him.

Wednesday 11 February 2015


Today! I believe that some stages in life can take you back from where you started.
Many writers talk about life, I am not a writer but a beginner, i sometimes cannot find any other word more simple, at the same time its hard  to describe. I wonder isn't our life as if  we are playing snake and ladder game. We have this tendency to adjust and as an Indian who would better know it .
Yes snake and ladder was my point,ladders to go up, giving an emotion of happiness and snakes to pull you down making you digest your happiness.
TODAY! is a story of an Ant,who is finding its way home where the queen is desperately waiting for him. The Ant is lost on a giant snake and ladder game board where humans are standing and playing and hopping around with faith and destiny .Will that Ant meet his fellow mates who are disturbed by his disappearance and would he continue to find its way to walk home and meet the queen .
Story seems interesting ,well its just an Ant but when it bites it can bring down  tears.
Let's see what life has to present her with giant humans around and their respectful nature.
Stay tuned .

Thursday 5 February 2015

Yes yes yes

Yes yes yes I will do that soon ,
I want it now bring it soon ,
Yes yes sir its on your way ,please give some time I'll make it by noon.

Hey you there I am serious can't you see,I pay you for work not for coffee,
Omg you! You still sitting there ,
I want the reports now of which I don't bloody care.

I have that chair in my cabin you see,I have got an A/C in the room you can be,work work work let my eyes see ,if you don't work at least lick me nicely .

No no no I won't do that sir ,call me boss you moron  ,make that sure!
I work here with my full heart ,you just sit with five -five   minute fart.
I do my job thats what I get paid for ,I don't bother what you say as its just my way...yes yes yes I will do that soon!

Tuesday 27 January 2015

There is a thing i want to tell you.

The following content doesn't intended to harm anyone's sentiment. I hope the readers take it as a light laugh material and with respect enjoy.

There is a thing I want to tell you,in the whole world its just you,I shared my thoughts with only you,and you give replies like a screw,
But its fine I can take that too,

As you know I had said I like you.
There is a thing I want to tell you,in the whole world its just you,you made me see your ugly pics and I faked what beauty clicks.

As you know I had said I like you.
There is a thing I want to tell you,in the whole world its just you.
I was wrong for liking you and you were always right fighting through,I never could say some things to you because they went unheard when I was around you.
As you know I said I like you,never ever meant to be so true.
There is a thing I want to tell you better stay far because in the whole world its just you.

Friday 23 January 2015

When i first asked her .CHAPTER 3

I had to agree what mom wanted because you know how moms are.11am Bristol coffee shop was the place .She was on time ,I entered searching for her I saw a lady sitting alone talking on phone .I hoped that was the one and I met her .
First official blind  DATE according to youth and mom.
ME: hey,is this Prajakta?
Hi I am Sumedh.
SHE: sorry I am not Prajakta .
Ooooppps as she said that, I could see her phone and to my question her wallpaper had a picture of that mystery girl with her .
Slight tap on my shoulder and I heard Hello I am Prajakta .No she was not the same ,every damn thing doesn't need to happen like a movie.

We got a table and I sat with so called Prajakta thinking about that wallpaper and that pretty girl who was captured so beautifully in that mobile .This was my chance . Prajakta I am not ready to marry you as my heart is been stolen by someone else you wont believe me but this is my story
( story well narrated to her) she laughed and went straight to the girl sitting alone .Leaving back ,Prajakta told me I liked ,you being  so direct and were firm enough ,hope this meet makes us friends at least .
ME: ashamed ..sorry I had to ...yes sure but listen its not that you are not good or i hate you but please understand ...SHE: its okay. Now wait here, she will be coming soon ,I asked her friend and her name is Ananya.
I hugged her so tight with a pleasant smile.
After a while....
Ananya came in.Her similar body perfume sent me to the dream land again.I had no option left .If not today then never I backed myself up.As she was about to sit I called her name .I guess that might have recollected her memory .
SHE: HEY!! You are that fellow passenger aren't you .
ME: stunned!! Yess would you give me a moment with you ,I mean I would like if you sit here for couple of minutes .
Little confused she looked me in puzzle.I stood up .The time I saw you in the bus I deeply started loving you .I tried many times to have a conversation with you but couldn't .You disappeared but I was still searching you .I had a dream about you ... In one day rather in 2hours if you can make me fall in love with you don't you think for entire life I will be the finest  lover and I asked her  for the first time I LOVE YOU ,I KNOW YOU DONT KNOW ME BUT WOULD  YOU  LIKE TO LOVE ME ?
My speech rather flowed in anger and she got to know that she had affected me serioisly.
SHE: NOOOOO.....WHOAAA!chill .I am sitting with you lets have a chat.

7 months later ...
Same place ,same purpose Picnic but just two of us as we were dating.I asked her will you marry me?

Saturday 17 January 2015

When i first asked her.CHAPTER 2

One more speed breaker .(bump)..
I need to tell her ,the stop is coming close .OMG why ? Partially shivering and feeling currents I was sitting restless with that irritating tapping feet of mine!
This time I succeeded a little
ME: excuse me ,HI .I have been noticing you from past two hours and its very rare to see someone so silent  (I have no idea what I was speaking )are u  from Alibaug.
First ever reply to me was NO.

Alibaug alibaug the conductor started howling ,I began to loose my temper and got restless why are we not talking to each other ,why isn't she like every other girl .I could see her getting out of the bus with so ease and I was sitting as if I am glued ,said to myself.
Reaching my resort I was on my bed and I had lost all excitement for this 3 days trip ,my friends were on their  way to reach soon.
I tried to forget what happened  but she came before my eyes and made it impossible to close .I wondered how pretty she was that I completely lost 2 hours of bumpy journey from Mumbai.(TRING TRING ..TRING TRINGG) my mobile was my best partner to break such khayali pulav I was cooking inside me . Hello,yes mom.
MOM: beta did you reach ?
ME: yes
MOM: OK listen ,me and your dad had a chat with sharma uncle about your marriage.
ME: what mom I am not ready yet ,please bye!
MOM: aree sun toh ,it is a good family and the coincidence is that the girl is in Alibaug for her office conference meet .please betaa at least mil toh le.
ME: (what is happening and why so suddenly) mom I am here to enjoy ,I will see if I get time I will meet her and say NO. I am very tired let me sleep .
MOM: OK but make sure you at least meet her. I will send you her contact .byee.

What is this rubbish happening ?
I am here to enjoy ,first that girl ruined  my journey till here and now this!
Urghhhh! I pulled over my blanket and slept.
My friends gathered on this big round table for dinner and that night I was into bottle alot.
The next day plan was sightseeing and pool time ! One escorted me to my room and said see you tomorrow buddy ! Good night!.

Her smile and aroma haunted me but also made me smile and sleep in sound...

Who's is that girl? Is she the one who met him on the bus? Will  he go  to meet or will he enjoy with his friends ? Many questions to know more hang on till 22 Jan because the mystery is going to open .What happens when he first asks?
Stay connected comment ,share and follow !

Wednesday 14 January 2015

When i first asked her. CHAPTER 1

This is a 3 chapter story .This story is about two individuals ,you will have to read it to know what it is about . Enjoy!
I was sitting alone and there she entered ,pushing everyone inside and finally managing a seat besides me. Her golden silky hair and the aroma of her sweat was almost like a perfume for me. I imagined how my entire ride is going to be without even bothering to know her ..
Slight glance of her was enough for me to climb everest and turn turn turn (palat palat palat)she saw me .
What a beauty!!!! Absolute princess.
I just wished to be a frog and she kissing me with those soft pink lips and then I change into a prince. As I was busy defusing the first bomb,second one exploded much louder and this time I needed a heart surgeon ,her smile mesmerized me and oh god why ? My phone rang.
Every guy seeing a hot girl sitting besides ,doesn't leave any chance to impress her . So did I . I started conversing in English ..Yes maa,I m on my way ,yes ,okay yes ,sure sure ,hmm,okay I will ,sure mom! I will talk to u later mumma ,I can't hear u.
The only thing I faked here was something which u might have noticed by now .

Butterflies all over and a plan to make and start a conversation. Boys learn something good today ,this is what I planned ,Hi ......are u comfortable ,sorry to say but as I don't know u you will feel little awkward. You look pretty.
Reality : Hi ...(ticket ticket !!!!)
I could see my plan being crushed in front of my eyes ,realising this awkward moment I ignored her as much as I could but the sound of her bangles took me to the dreamland where I am sitting with her in an empty  bus and A.R.rahman's background music .I was not sure if this was called love at first sight but whatever it was, for me I was madly  in love with her .
It was an MSRTC (Maharashtra state road transport corporation) bus ,and the journey was up to Alibaug .Hardly 30 minutes were left
to reach and i was getting nervous because I wanted to know her name badly .She was so gorgeous  that for  past 30 minutes I didn't feel any bumpers nor any sudden brakes ,none of the passenger's bag fell on my head and neither I bothered to look what's happening around . I was so busy with my world and her that I was desperate to know more about her.
Building up some courage again ,I looked at her with a smile and she looked at me at the same time ,I don't know why she had to read that book ,she looked down and started reading again .Meanwhile me :Hi
This time she saw again but  tried to show as if she is reading and finishing off her sentence to read..
I went little further by asking what are you reading ?
How could she just show me the cover of that book ? I was damn angry ,can't she speak ,why? Aren't I good looking ,do I look like a gangster ? Reasons unknown ,I said wow ,good and got busy looking outside the window .It was raining ,the roads were wet ,as the bus was taking curls on those ghats I could breathe fresh air slapping my face with a lovely fragrance of wet soil . No wonder it was less than any Disney movie but with only one missing princess.
The last try ,I asked her for some water ,that angry face of her as if I have interrupted her while doing calculations was very disheartening. She nodded a no . Oh god,what is her problem? Why is she making me struggle so much ? I was blank ,I thought, thought and thought.
She had made me crazy .I could see the Alibaug depot arriving, I was sad, it doesn't matter she knows me or not I wanted to tell her, for past one hour u made me go crazy . I have fallen in love with you . I love you.

What will happen next ? What will he say ? Or will he be able to say? What will she reply or she won't?
Many questions, to know more get ready for  upcoming posts.
Till then like, share and follow.

Monday 12 January 2015

Beginning of 3 Chapters .

I was sitting alone and there she entered ,pushing everyone inside and finally managing a seat besides me. Her golden silky hair and the aroma of her sweat was almost like a perfume for me. I imagined how my entire ride is going to be without even bothering to know her ..
Here is my story to unfold what happened in that one hour journey.

Story launching on 15th Jan... Stay tuned...#mop lists!