Sunday, 16 July 2017


Who was the first President of India? Huh! JAWAHARLAAA…oops. Who is the mother of Dragons? Daenerys Targaryen!! Today the moment you fail to answer this, you are an alien in the crowd. It does not matter that your IQ is higher than combined of theirs, now you have to fit in like a missing piece of a jigsaw. Not that anyone is forcing you to watch but who likes being a left out. The look you get after you confess of never watching any famous foreign TV series is like a Brahmin not knowing his verses.
Similarly, many of the times we lose our way in accepting something hazardous due to peer pressure. It’s not necessary that the things which others try and boast about would suit you always and no it doesn’t make you a “bailya" or girly.

The foolish part would be you trying the things which never go your way. This might lead to many ruinous possibilities. India has been seeing a number of drug abuse cases rising every year and it has been a major reason for suicide reports as well. As per the National Crime Records Bureau, there were 3,647 such suicide cases in India in 2014, of which Maharashtra detailed the most astounding, at 1,372. This was trailed by Tamil Nadu, with 552 cases and Kerala, with 475. Presently, it is evaluated that around 7.21 crore individuals are influenced because of drugs.

As THE INDIAN EXPRESS covered the latest story on how the youth out of curiosity for fun and kick are involved in substance abuse. As an eye opener, this story did move me.
This young lady was incredible all through her school years, had dependably been a topper and was great at tennis as well. When she was 15 and in junior college, she began to look all starry eyed at a 19-year-old from the same college who was into substance mishandle. Before long she was dependent as well. In spite of the fact that she was from a well-to-do family, when she began missing the mark she started stealing money to purchase pot(marijuana). Afterward, she became a regular user as well as started pitching them to her friends. Six months back she was hospitalized at a rehabilitation center.

An individual should realize his responsibility towards himself and later parents. The choice plays an upper hand and grit determination to make the right choice helps a lot. There is a thin line in enjoying the fun. It’s high time we see it and keep ourselves sane.
Changing for good is definitely worth, but changing for a group where one does not fit in can go wrong. Accept the difference, stand out, be unique let people deal with your choice. It’s OK TO NOT BE ONE OF THEM.

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