Saturday 1 July 2017


Pain is what she goes through every month. Blood is common to look at. Is it disgusting? Ohh yes, it stinks, but what after 9 months when life emerges instead of blood. Is it still disgusting?
No, it is supposed to be a blessing for few who do not indulge in female foeticide. At least!

Menstruation is the natural part of the reproductive cycle in which blood from the uterus exits through the vagina. It is a natural process that first occurs in girls usually between the age of 11 and 14 years and is one of the indicators of the onset of puberty among them. Despite being a phenomenon unique to girls, this has always been surrounded by secrecy and myths in many societies. Taboos surrounding menstruation exclude women and girls from many aspects of social and cultural life. Some of these are helpful, but others have potentially harmful implications.

Oh My God, what am I talking about, so apparently talking about periods is a huge Taboo in India. So instead calling it periods let’s call it Birthday as most of them would be familiar with this code used to talk about this topic. It sounds auspicious now , doesn’t it? 
Today as we move fast in our lives to beat the developed countries, there are few illogical things that we still are not ready to leave behind. Not in any sense I say that our culture, tradition, ritual or ancient scriptures are archaic or obsolete but the white beard has to be replaced with black as it’s the youth now, who can initiate the change of orthodox views.

Let’s take this step to change the expected mentality of Indian men and in some cases women as well a little wide. To each its own but talking sex and asking for condom is equally discreet in India. It is a natural thing and so is Birthdays. They come, they go. It is very absurd that in South India people celebrate their daughter's first time menstruation cycle as big as a marriage celebration. There is a temple in Assam where people worship the bleeding goddess Kamakhya Devi and when the female gender does the same it’s a sin to step in. Irony much.

Two sides, where one celebrates and at the other side the women undergoing her menstruation is unclean, and thus should not be allowed to pray or do certain other things.
 In the 21st century after achieving  miracles in Space Research, Economic growth, Infrastructure and with the recent Implementation of GST after its 17 years of wait. India is yet to modernize mentally. It’s time we stop our codes like Chatri, Topi or say Chums and Birthday and say it out loud without feeling ashamed of the society. It’s at least better then urinating in open. Birthday a.k.a Menstruation is a common thing to happen to any women, there might be some things which should not be disclosed regarding oneself but then one can be confident about talking about it rather whispering.

I hope that, that day of the month gets its new liberal identity soon and so the other taboo things in India. Happy birthday.

External Source: › NCBI › Literature › PubMed Central (PMC)

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